In this section you can find the songs that are already finished and follow its evolution. You can see how the combined effort of many musicians reach further…:-)Here you can listen the complete evolution of the song Children of the Earth.
No doubts that the song was born in Barcelona, in this old and special sofa I'll always remember, under the painting of the lady with an umbrella surrounded by trees. But mainly it was a song who lived inside the guitar that Kuko bought when he was in Argentina, it just came out when I played it.
Guitar and voice: dAvid Blanco. Home studio. Barcelona. April 2012.
Berlín. It was in Simon's backyard where Alex recorded for the first time an intro with a spanish guitar. The rest of the song was recorded as a demo in Tom's studio to bring something to the recordings at Tune Up. July 2012.
Intro guitar: Alex Scharlach, Bass: Clemens Richter, Keyboards: Tom Bradler, Guitar and voice: dAvid Blanco.
Tom Bradler Studio. Berlín. April 2012.
Recorded in Tune Up Berlín, finally the song gained strenght. Amateur voices were mixed with Collin Rich and Pat Bernetti for the choir. Finally Chema and Joseph added the final touch (leading guitar and saxo) and Tom performed his magic.
Intro and leading guitar: Chema, Saxo: Joseph, Bass: Der Klark, Drums: Paul, Rythm Keys: Henning, Hammond organ: Simon, Rythm guitar: Keerty, Choir: Xueh, Esther, Chema, Keerty, Henning, Alex, Ares, and mainly Collin Rich and Pat Bernetti, Key: Victor López, Guitar and voice: dAvid Blanco. Recorded and mixed by Tom Bradler.
TuneUp Berlín Studio. August 2012.
Back in Barcelona Xavi Batllés get so involved with the song that gives it a different approach. He took everything and put it in the right place, adding the work of Hakuna Masamba (Percusion), Choir "Encanto de Casarrubuelos" and brass section.
May 2014.
Intro and leading guitar: Chema, Saxo: Joseph, Bass: Der Klark, Drums: Paul, Rythm Keys: Henning, Hammond organ: Simon, Rythm guitar: Keerty, Choir: Xueh, Esther, Chema, Keerty, Henning, Alex, Ares, and mainly Collin Rich and Pat Bernetti, Childs at the school: Miky, Brass section: Ruben Tobes Pascual and friends, Percusion: Hakuna Masamba, Children Choir: Coro Encanto de Casarrubuelos - Director of the Choir: Mariano García, Guitar and voice: dAvid Blanco.
Recordings of the choir, brass and percusion: Elias Diaz-Jorge and Javier Hernández.
Produced and mixed by Xavier Batllés. Bitstudi Studios. Barcelona. May 2014.